This is going to be kept short and sweet. Mainly because I’m half attempting to get ready for dinner whilst realizing that I did aim to write something every day. But that’s getting hard when you’re traveling (and having too much fun). The goal is now to put fingers to keyboard at least every second day.
But onto more important matters. Like what I’ve been spotting around Ljubljana, Slovenia so far. They are everywhere, stretched across between two buildings on almost every street corner. Some only have a couple of pairs on parade. Others seem like they’ve taken on more of an art form dangling from a piece of wire a few feet in length with several pairs displayed for all to see.
You may have not quite caught on yet what I’m referring too but if you’ve visited this city before this will soon all make sense. In New Zealand, a pair of dangling shoes (no particular brand needed) usually means that a ‘tinny house’ is located nearby. For those not familiar with the term, this means that within walking distance (if not right in front of you) a house is selling weed, marijuana and maybe something else, who knows?
Somehow, I just don’t think that dangling shoes has the same meaning here. Especially when most of these are on display in the most beautiful parts of the picture perfect Old Town.
That just doesn’t make sense.
I’m yet to find a local who will explain this to me. In the meantime I’m assuming it’s given a local a good excuse to buy a new pair of shoes. If you know otherwise, please let me know.
Toodle pip x
Toodle pip x